How to Use Whatsapp Catalogs to Enable Browsing and Shopping for Conversational Commerce

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Do you know that over 50 million businesses are currently using WhatsApp Business to reach their customers? With the rise of conversational commerce, WhatsApp has become a critical platform for brands. However, just having a business profile is not enough to boost conversions. 

You must make it easy for your customers to browse and shop for your products. That’s where WhatsApp shopping catalogs come in. In this article, we'll show you how to set up an effective WhatsApp catalog that will streamline your sales process and help you connect with your customers on a more personal level. 

Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, this guide has everything you need to get started with WhatsApp Business catalogs and take conversational commerce to the next level.

What is a WhatsApp catalog?

Gone are the days of sending pictures of your products individually and cluttering your customers' chat with lengthy conversations. WhatsApp catalogs allow you to create a beautiful showcase of your products and services right within the app. This allows customers to browse your products and make informed decisions easily. Moreover, businesses have experienced faster and more effective communication after integrating WhatsApp catalogs into their business profiles. 

What should you include in a WhatsApp catalog? 

A WhatsApp Business catalog can contain up to 500 items. Here are some key details you must include while adding these items to your catalog: 

Product image 

Your product image is the first thing that will capture your potential customer’s attention. Make sure you capture and upload high-quality product images from different angles. One look should be enough to compel customers to explore more of your collection. 


The pricing of a product plays a major role in the purchase decision. It helps customers compare different products and make an informed decision. Make sure you provide an up-to-date pricing of your products. And if you are running discounts, clearly show the actual and discounted price. 


Customers aren’t buying a product simply because it fits their budget. You must describe the products' benefits, features, and specifications to help them understand their purchase. Remember that it’s not just about telling them what the product does; it’s about showing them how it makes their lives easier. 

Website link 

A website link in your WhatsApp shopping catalog gives customers an opportunity to learn more about your brand and dive deeper into your product offerings. It not only builds credibility but can also lead to additional purchases. If potential customers like your WhatsApp catalog offerings, they are more likely to purchase something from the website. 

Product code 

Including a product code in your WhatsApp catalog ideas will assist customers who may want to purchase the product from your website instead of WhatsApp. This makes it easier for them to find the specific product they want to purchase, especially if you have similar products with different variants.

How to create a WhatsApp catalog? 

Let’s now look at some simple steps to create a catalog on WhatsApp Business

1. Open your WhatsApp Business account and click on more options.

2. Click on business tools and select Catalog. 

3. Click on Add new item to add a product to your catalog. 

4. Add item details, including name, price, description, etc. Provide as many details as you can about your product. Clicking on more fields will allow you to add website links and product codes to help your audience purchase from your website. 

5. Add compelling product images to show customers what they can expect, and your product is ready for display. Repeat the same steps to add individual products to your WhatsApp shopping catalog.

Here’s an example of how you can expect the final display of your product after inserting all the details and images. Notice how the visually appealing image and clear details are enough for customers to make up their minds. 

Note: WhatsApp will take some time to review your product before it goes live. You will see a clock-like icon on the product, which indicates the review process. It will vanish after approval, and the product will be available to browse through in the catalog. 

How to make your WhatsApp catalog more browsable? 

To make your WhatsApp shopping catalog more browsable, here are some easy steps to create a collection: 

1. Click on Add new collection in the catalog manager. 

2. Enter the name of your new collection and click on next. Remember that you can create collections based on products, price ranges, best selling items, and more. 

3. Add as many catalog items as you like in your collection and click on done. 

4. Now customers can easily browse through the products they prefer in one place without any confusion and frustration. 

As discussed earlier, it’s important to keep your catalog up-to-date. Now let’s say some items in your inventory aren’t available at the moment. Here’s how you can hide items to save customers from the disappointment of unavailable items: 

6. Select the item you want to hide and click on more options. 

7. Click on Hide, and your product will no longer be visible in the catalog. 

8. You will find a hidden symbol over products you hide in your catalog. 

Once the product is available for customers, you can tap on the hidden item and select unhide to display it again to the customers. Make sure you keep your inventory updated to help customers find their ideal products without any hassle. 

Best practices for WhatsApp catalogs and collections

Now that we know how to create a WhatsApp shopping catalog, let’s look at some best practices to make the most of them. 

1. Keep your WhatsApp business catalogs up to date 

Imagine a potential customer browsing through your catalog, excited about a product, only to find out that it is out of stock or doesn’t match the actual product on the website. This will lead to a loss of credibility, and the customer may be less likely to shop with you in the future. Therefore, make sure you keep your WhatsApp shopping catalogs updated to provide a seamless shopping experience. 

2. Don’t list all your products  

Is WhatsApp the right place to brag about your wide collection of products? Yes, it is, but imagine coming across 10,000 products in one go. This disrupts the whole idea of providing a convenient shopping experience on mobile devices. Instead, focus on listing out the most popular products or the bestsellers in your catalogs. In this manner, you will make their buying decisions easier as people tend to purchase trending items quickly. 

3. Create collections 

Imagine being a busy shopper who is in a rush to find the perfect pair of pants. But you are bombarded with a plethora of products ranging from women’s pants to household items in one queue. You are more likely to abandon the search and leave the platform altogether, which is quite common among online shoppers. However, creating collections can avoid such frustrating shopping experiences. 

You can group products together based on specific criteria such as price range, gender or product type, bestsellers in different categories, etc., to provide easier navigation. The buyers will simply click on the collection that interests them and browse through products that fit their preferences, budget, and style. 

4. Send WhatsApp catalog messages 

Many businesses put effort into creating stunning product catalogs, only for them to go unnoticed. This happens because they don’t spend time notifying their subscribers. 

With, you can easily send WhatsApp catalog broadcast messages to your subscribers, grabbing their attention and encouraging them to check out your products. Don’t let your hard work go to waste, and make sure the right people see your catalog to generate more sales. 

5. Promote your WhatsApp shopping catalog

Once you've crafted a beautiful catalog featuring your top products, it's time to show it off to the world! You can easily share your catalog with your existing customers and promote it on all your social media channels and email campaigns. Share it as much as possible to help  potential customers discover your products and services easily. 

Optimize your WhatsApp catalog for conversational commerce

Now that we know how to create browsable WhatsApp shopping catalogs, let’s look at some tips to optimize them. 

1. Using chatbots to answer customer queries 

So, you have finally displayed your best selling items in proper categories. But before sales could come in, customer queries will! Answering these queries on time is crucial to make up your potential customer’s mind. Integrating a chatbot into your WhatsApp catalog will help here to answer FAQs, provide product recommendations, and help with other related queries

2. Adding quick payment options  

A smooth checkout process plays a crucial role in conversational commerce. Ensure you include multiple payment options in your WhatsApp shopping catalog, such as COD, credit/debit card payments, and UPI payments. Remember that customers love having flexibility when it comes to paying options. 

3. Encouraging customers to leave feedback  

Customer feedback plays a crucial role in building credibility and improving business services. Encourage customers to leave feedback on their overall shopping experience on your WhatsApp catalog. Based on the feedback, find room for improvement and enhance your catalogs. 

Maximize the potential of WhatsApp shopping catalogs today! 

Whatsapp business catalogs can be a powerful tool for businesses to engage customers and boost conversations. However, planning the catalog well is important and not just uploading pictures, names, and prices. 

Remember that the way you present the catalog can have a big impact on the number of purchases. Therefore, spend enough time and effort in creating a visually appealing and user-friendly catalog. 

Also, if you need help setting up your WhatsApp shopping catalog, then is here to help you out. 

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