Best Gallabox Alternative for WhatsApp Marketing | Gallabox vs QuickReply

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Best Gallabox Alternative for WhatsApp Marketing | Gallabox vs QuickReply

WhatsApp has become one of the most popular methods for brands to communicate with customers.  With the rise in the number of smartphone users, and preference for quick communication, WhatsApp has taken the world of eCommerce by storm. Whereas earlier users used the channel only for personal interactions, now, consumers are open to receiving communication from their favorite brands on WhatsApp.

That’s because it’s convenient, fast, and easy—customers can receive quick updates and instantly read the messages,

However, it’s not easy for brands to send promotional and marketing messages to customers unless they opt-in to their list. Otherwise, brands might get blocked or blacklisted.

Ecommerce businesses have to use the WhatsApp business API.

With so many options available, how do you know which is the best WhatsApp business API provider?

In this blog, we take a comparative look at, the best Gallabox alternative. vs Gallabox: Why is the Best Gallabox Alternative provides a comprehensive suite of features to help businesses with different types of communications, such as broadcast messages, bulk messages, recover abandoned carts, etc. In this section, we look at some of the features that make an excellent Gallabox alternative. enables multiple teams to access the same inbox

Ecommerce brands have many different departments and teams; for example, sales, marketing, product, content, etc. And all these teams can benefit from customer data to create personalized experiences. 

Creating consistent and seamless experiences for customers may not be easy if teams work in silos. They have to be in sync with customers’ WhatsApp interaction history with the brand.

That’s where capabilities come in—the app enables multiple teams to access customers’ interactions and chats. This way, all the teams know the background, can extract information relevant to them, and reduce repetition and confusion. 

This collaborative access has many advantages:

  • Your Shopify business teams can manage campaigns better
  • Better clarity between team members and customers
  • Save time as all the information is in one place
  • Makes processes simpler by avoiding repetition 
  • Faster response time to customers

Send bulk messages and notifications

With its open rate being as good as SMS—98%—WhatsApp has become the most preferred way for businesses to send out bulk messages. 

It’s an easy, quick, and convenient way to interact with customers. Moreover, it allows two-way conversations, which helps improve customer experience. 

For example, if you’ve planned a sale on your Shopify store, you can send the announcement via bulk messaging so that your entire list receives it.

But sending bulk messages on WhatsApp is easier said than done. Unauthorized bulk messages can lead to your WhatsApp number getting banned and blocked by customers. 

And so, it’s important to have a WhatsApp business API solution provider. helps:

  • Automate and schedule messages
  • Send bulk messages for different purposes
  • Personalize messages and send them in bulk to different segments
  • Monitor and track bulk messaging performance
  • Automate regular messages such as order status, etc.
  • Enable chatbot customer support for fast responses and resolutions

Advanced segmentation features

91% of consumers prefer personalization (Accenture). And to create and send personalized communication, you need to first segment customers into different categories. 

For example, if you want to send promotional messages for a new collection of winter wear, you must ensure you send it to customers located in cold regions. Sending it to your entire list might not be relevant for most customers.

You’ll need a WhatsApp business API solution provider that provides advanced segmentation capabilities. Segmentation helps brands get a sense of customer intention, their challenges, and overall better knowledge about customers. 

This is where wins to be a good alternative to Gallabox: 

  • With, you can create personalized messages for individual customers based on their persona
  • The app enables customer segmentation based on behavioral profiling
  • Sends automated order updates, keep customers in the know and engaged throughout the purchase journey
  • Track your WhatsApp broadcast campaigns and optimize to boost results
  • Send WhatsApp broadcast messages to up to 100k customers per day

Automate messages for drip campaigns

Drip campaigns are one of the best ways to run campaigns for your Shopify store—you can engage customers by sending a series of automated messages relevant to their purchase journey status.’s automation capabilities for drip campaigns makes it one of the top Gallabox alternatives for Shopify sites. 

Here’s how helps in drip campaigns:

  • You can automate messages based on customers’ actions
  • Automate abandoned cart messages, follow up messages, etc.
  • Set up discounts based on customers’ actions to drive them towards conversion
  • Include images, videos, PDFs, web links, etc. documents within your automated messages
  • Nurture leads by engaging them with relevant information and call to actions
  • Welcome and onboard new customers
  • Send recommendations and notifications 

Enable customer opt-ins 

Different brands target the same customers. And so, customers end up receiving hundreds of messages from different brands. This overdose of messages can get overwhelming, and many customers tend to block brands from sending them WhatsApp messages. comes with an efficient solution for this issue—a built-in opt-in feature. You can prompt customers to opt-in to receive your messages. This feature helps create a better experience for customers as you send messages to only those customers who’ve opted in to receive them.

Here’s how this feature helps:

  • Set up opt-in for customers
  • Send automated welcome messages to customers
  • Easily manage your WhatsApp list

Built-in chatbot, automated messages

Today, customers expect brands to provide quick responses and resolutions to their concerns. But it’s impossible to provide human-to-human responses via customer support agents to so many queries. And that’s where comes in with its built-in chatbot.

The built-in chat bot sends automated messages to customers’ queries. You can send replies to customers 24/7. has many use cases of the built-in chatbot. is a good alternative to Gallabox because it helps sends out messages for the following:

  • Welcome
  • Product browsing
  • Discounts
  • Shipping charges
  • Order tracking
  • Order cancellation
  • COD option
  • Payment options
  • Contact 

Better customer support

One of the biggest advantages of using for your Shopify website is it allows access to multiple teams and departments to the same inbox. That way, all team members can read and track the communication history of customers. 

For example, a customer might reach out to the support team with a complaint concerning a technical error in the product. The customer support team might have to reach out to the product and tech teams to find the right response. 

Now, if the tech or product team intervenes to interact with customers, they can read the chat history and understand the customers concern instead of asking customers to repeat their issue. 

This is where, once again, proves to be better than Gallabox:

  • This capability brings clarity, makes the communication and resolution process seamless, fast, and accurate
  • Multiple teams can see customers’ chat history and data
  • Multiple teams can use the same WhatsApp number to interact with customers
  • Helps keep confusion away and enhance clarity
  • Improves resolution speed and team efficiency
  • Customer support teams can boost performance enhances customer engagement

Customer engagement is the most important aspect for eCommerce stores. It is the first step to nurture long-term customer relationships, boost sales, and reach business goals. 

Customers expect brands to help them at every step of their journey and make their experience convenient. If you’re not doing enough to engage your customers, it’s going to impact their experience and hence, perception of your brand.

That is why it's essential to have an efficient WhatsApp business API solution provider for your Shopify business that helps you boost engagement. 

That’s where wins over Gallabox with its capabilities:

  • automates timely updates and alerts
  • Abandoned cart reminders 
  • Useful for drip campaigns
  • Offers discounts and deals
  • Provides 24/7 support
  • Supports all types of media - image, video, PDF, etc. has competitive pricing

The contact lists of businesses keep getting bigger over time. And so will the number of WhatsApp messages they send. This also adds to the marketing and communications costs.

To reduce expenses and increase profits, you need a WhatsApp business API provider that can help your business scale. offers competitive prices compared to Gallabox. 

Here’s a look at the pricing plans of both: plans and pricing

Gallabox plans and pricing:

What is is a comprehensive WhatsApp application designed for Shopify stores. It combines capabilities such as automation, integration, and chatbots, among others, to help businesses turn their one-time shoppers to repeat customers. It is one of the most powerful WhatsApp business API solution providers preferred by Shopify merchants and one of the best alternatives to Gallabox.

What is Gallabox?

Gallabox is a WhatsApp commerce solution that helps online stores engage their customers and grow sales. Its features include a shared inbox, WhatsApp broadcast, integration, chatbot and automation, among other capabilities. 

Install the best WhatsApp business API solution provider on your Shopify store

If you’re looking for an efficient WhatsApp business API solution provider for your Shopify store, or are looking to shift from one tool to another, is one of the best alternatives to Gallabox. 

Book a demo or contact for more information.

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